Contact Us

Please use this Form on the right to email us.

Our Reservation Office is open Monday - Friday but  we also check our email over the weekend. Please contact us at your convenience..  


If you prefer to call of have an emergency, please use the phone numbers below. 

From the US call:  1.888.512.8812 or 011.501.232.9022

In Belize: 232.9022


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Mainland Combinations


If you wish to visit more of the wonderfully diverse and welcoming country of Belize, we have partnered with the best inland resorts to develop several great Combination packages.  

These include our Inland/Island package with Chaa Creek in Belize’s western rainforest, our Jungle/Island package with Chan Chich deep in the rainforest in northwestern Belize, and a third package in Placencia with Chabil Mar. We highly recommend all three of these properties and feel that they nicely complement a stay on the atoll at Turneffe Flats.