Contact Us

Please use this Form on the right to email us.

Our Reservation Office is open Monday - Friday but  we also check our email over the weekend. Please contact us at your convenience..  


If you prefer to call of have an emergency, please use the phone numbers below. 

From the US call:  1.888.512.8812 or 011.501.232.9022

In Belize: 232.9022


123 Street Avenue, City Town, 99999

(123) 555-6789


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Link to read me page with more information.


Contact Us

Contact Turneffe Flats to schedule your next fly fishing, scuba diving, or snorkeling adventure on Turneffe Atoll in Belize.


Our RESERVATION OFFICE in the US is open Monday - Friday from 8:00 - 5:00 Mountain Time.  When our Reservation Office is closed on weekends, reservation calls are forwarded to Turneffe Flats in Belize.  

US Phone Number:  1.888.512.8812

Reservations Email:

Local Numbers in Belize: from the US 623.742.3920

                                            in Belize 671-9022 (this number dialed from the US is 011.501.671.9022)

For emergency contact of a guest at Turneffe Flats from the US or Canada dial 1. 623.742.3920 or 011.501.671.9022