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Our Reservation Office is open Monday - Friday but  we also check our email over the weekend. Please contact us at your convenience..  


If you prefer to call of have an emergency, please use the phone numbers below. 

From the US call:  1.888.512.8812 or 011.501.232.9022

In Belize: 232.9022


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Turneffe Flats Weather Stats - Turneffe Flats Belize

The weather at Turneffe Atoll is consistently great, with a few seasonal shifts.  The average temperature, year round, is 80 degrees.



Monthly Turneffe Flats weather data is listed below for 2010 and 2011, providing an idea of annual weather conditions.  Throughout the year, air temperatures usually range from 80 to 95 degrees F (27 to 35 degrees C). Average 84 degrees F (29 degrees C). Water temperatures are 79 to 80 degrees F (26 to 27 degrees C) in the winter and 80 to 84 degrees F (27 to 29 degrees C) in the summer.  The last complete year data is for 2011 but this offers a good idea of our fluctuations from month to month.


  2011 Summary Data

  • Mean Temperature - 81.4 degrees F (27.4 degrees C)

  • Mean High Temperature - 83.9 degrees F (28.8 degrees C)

  • Low Temp - 63.7 degrees F (17.2 degrees C)

  • High Temp - 91.1 degrees F (32.8 degrees C)

  • Total Precipitation - 55.59 inches

  • Wind Average - 10.7 mph

  • Dominant Direction - ESE


2010 Summary Data

  • Mean Temperature - 81.1 degrees F (27.2 degrees C)

  • Mean High Temperature - 84 degrees F (28.8 degrees C)

  • Low Temp - 63.7 degrees F (17.6 degrees C)

  • High Temp - 94.8 degrees F (34.4 degrees C)

  • Total Precipitation - 56.03 inches

  • Wind Average - 10.5 mph

  • Dominant Direction - ESE